Our Newsletter

Longs Peak Chorus creates a newsletter periodically to keep our friends, supporters and followers up-to-date with the activities and events of the chorus.  It is delivered via our friends email mailing list.

Anyone can subscribe to this mailing list to receive our newsletters as they are released.

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Below is a list of all past issues...

2024 Longs Peak Chorus Spring Show "Our Fondest Dreams"

Sat, Jun 1 2024

2024 Longs Peak Chorus Spring Show "Our Fondest Dreams"

Wed, Mar 13 2024

Singing Valentines 2024

Mon, Feb 5 2024

Christmas Show 2023 coming up in less than 2 weeks

Mon, Nov 6 2023

2023 Spring Show (reminder)

Tue, Apr 18 2023

Singing Valentines 2023

Tue, Jan 17 2023

Christmas Show 2022 (reminder)

Tue, Nov 22 2022

2022 Spring Show (Storm Front Videos)

Mon, Mar 7 2022

2022 Spring Show Save The Date

Sun, Feb 27 2022

Singing Valentine 2022

Thu, Jan 27 2022

Holiday Show 2021 (reminder)

Sun, Nov 7 2021

Christmas Holiday Gift (2)

Tue, Dec 22 2020

2020 Singing Valentine

Wed, Jan 29 2020

Christmas Concert 2019 (Reminder)

Wed, Oct 30 2019