
  • Regarding The chorus in general
  • What Barbershop Has Meant to David Waddell
    As Rocky Mountain District President in 1987 and 1988 I traveled all over the nine-state district and was able to meet many of the 1300 members in the district at that time. Those friendships have meant so much to me over my 50 years as a member of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America, now called The Barbershop Harmony Society. I am thrilled by the fact that so many men and women still greet and call me by name, even though I have trouble recalling their names. As a Barbershopper, District President and an International Board Member in 1989, I was given the opportunity to travel all over the United States and all of the Hawaiian Islands while attending conventions. Barbershopping gave me the opportunity to sing in 15 quartet configurations with over 30 different men and we were able to represent the Rocky Mountain District in the Society's International Senior Quartet Contest six times. Singing with all of those men and achieving what I have, has been the thrill of my lifetime. I can honestly say I attribute my longevity to singing barbershop harmony.
    - David Waddell

    A life Changing Hobby
    Soon after a divorce in early 1976, I was looking for something to do with all my new spare time. I had seen a barbershop event years ago and remembered that it looked fun. Those days you could find all the local chapters listed in the "Phone Book". Remember?
    Anyway, at the end of my first night's visit with the MIle Hi Chapter in Denver, I was hooked. The welcome I received was awesome. Shortly thereafter, I met another new member, Bill NIles, who after a few months (November) introduced me to his sister. To make a long story short, we were married in June 1977. She has been my biggest supporter and fan, putting up with hours of quartet rehearsals at our house, and accompanying me on innumerable trips to competitions and conventions. She has supported me over twelve years (2007-2019) of being a BHS Contest Administrator, when I would leave home for several weekends a year, chasing all over the country, but making many barbershop friends throughout the USA.
    In an effort to give back something to BHS, I am a passionate supporter of the Youth Chorus Festival, which happens at the BHS Mid-Winter convention every January. It is actually a life altering experience just to watch the Youth Chorus Festival.
    WIthout a doubt, Barbershop changed my life for the better!
    - Rick Haines